Health Trip Reporting

The goal is to reach 1800 points during entire Health Trip journey for an average of 150 points per week. The first reporting goal is 900 points. Physical activity, nutrition and wellness opportunities are all assigned a point value during Health Trip.

Reporting Dates

First Reporting Date
Health Trip First Reporting is closed.

Final Reporting Date
April 7 (Points accrued from February 24-April 6)

Health Trip First Reporting is closed.

Health Trip Point System

Aerobic Exercise (1 minute = 1 point)
Running, jogging, swimming, shoveling snow, cycling, aerobics, sports, yoga etc

Anaerobic Activity ( 30 minutes = 10 points)
Sweeping, vacuuming, stretching, yard work, gardening, etc.

Nutrition (10 points)
Eat 7 or more servings of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains throughout one day
(serving size = 1 cup)

Wellness Screenings (30 points)
Have a preventative screening done by health care provider